
Directed by: Andrés Muschietti

Text type: Film 

Date read/watched: Term 1

Brief plot overview 

The movie ‘IT’ is a Thriller, Seven children from Derry, Maine, face their worst nightmares. An evil shape shifting clown comes back from the sewers every 27 years to feed on children. Every summer ‘IT’ (the clown) turns up and takes the lives of young children, Missing signs get put up around the town as children disappear. Bill (the main character) is determined to find his younger brother who was taken by IT and dragged into the sewers. Adults don’t see the clown only the children do.They figure out where IT is living and follow him down a well. The group of seven friends come together to face all their worst nightmares to take down the bloodthirsty clown known as pennywise. 

Character I found interesting and why?

A character that I found interesting was Bill. I found that he was very brave, Kind and relentless, his determination to find his brother and stop pennywise showed how much he cared, not only about himself but the others around him. Throughout the movie Bill gained more and more power over each situation. He was a friend, group leader and encourager and never wanted anyone to see that sometimes things were scary for him, he just put on his brave face to make his friends feel more secure.

I found Bill to be the most interesting character because he never gave up. Bill had a stutter which made things frustrating for him to be able to explain things he thought of saying in his head. Kids at school made fun of him for his stutter. The reason why I thought that he was strong was because he led the whole group to become more powerful, they didn’t really have any option but to trust Bill that his plans would work.

Message you got from the text

A message that I got from the text was that you shouldnt be scared to face your fears. This message was shown throughout the whole film, Bill never gave up to save his town and friends being potentially hurt or killed. Whenever IT the clown showed up he was there to trick the kids and scare the living hell out of them, I picked up that children that were scared of IT were the ones who got slaughtered. Facing your fears was the only thing that could stop IT. IT could shapeshift and turn into any child’s worst nightmare. Defeating him could never happen if you were scared, the only person that could take IT down was one person, you.

Challenges that characters had to deal with and my response to these:

Finding other children’s bodies floating, A tornado looking swirl full of dead children IT had killed. Pennywise said to Beverly “you’ll float too”. When he said this he meant that she would die too. Bullies was another big challenge for the group of friends. Bill got picked on for his stutter, Beverly was harassed by a group of girls for apparently being a slut. The others were tormented for being nerds and super smart. Of course the main one being facing your fears. In my opinion, I think that they dealt with their challenges a very mature way.  Keeping everyone they cared for safe was a challenge that only the children had to deal with on their own because adults couldn’t see what they saw, This made their problems much harder as everyone thought that they were lying about the things that they were seeing.

Who would you recommend this to and why?

I would recommend this film to people who aren’t afraid of jump scares or scary features throughout movies. The movie IT is rated ‘    +’ so I would probably recommend it to this age group as there are scenes with bad language and self harm etc… I found that this movie was very interesting as you, yourself, have to work out what’s happening in some parts. I’m not a fan of horror films but watching this one a couple of times made the movie more funny and the more I understood it each time I watched.

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